Raleigh Elastic Technology (Suqian) Co., Ltd

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Die spring


JIS Standard Die Spring

JIS series Die Springs are offered in five duty ranges Extra Light, Light, medium, heavy, and extra heavy,which are durable springs and offer longevity to vario...

Standard ISO Die Springs

Our Standard ISO Die Springs including 6 serious:1-Extra Light Duty Die Spring2-Light Duty Die Springs 3-Medium Duty Die Springs 4-Heavy Duty Die Springs 5-Extr...

US Standard Die Springs


Ultra Heavy Load Die Springs


Extra Heavy Duty Die Springs


Heavy Duty Die Springs

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Die spring Introduction

ISO 10243:2019 Die Springs including 6 serious:


Die springs

Die sorinos are heaw-duty co comopression soings pimanyused indie machinen. where hioh loads and imted space are common. These inustmalspnos are designed to wthstand higamounts of mechanical stres and are typicaly used in metal stamping dies,injection molds, and other applications where a high force is required in a confined space.

Here are some key characteristics of die springs.

High Load Capacity: Die spngs are specificaly designed to provde highforce in a relatively smalspac. They can hande sigmifcanlyhigher loads compared to tradional compresion


Long Operational Life: Die sorings are manuaclrad from hioh-quaty matenals that oer excelen durabily and fatioeresisiane, ensuino a lono operaona life even under coninuous

heavy loads.

Uniform Deflection: Die spings have a unifom pitch and diameter along the length of the col, alowing for consistent and predictable deection characteistics underload

Color-Coding: Die springs are ofen color-coded based on load capacity to facitate easy identifcation and selecion based on the required force specifcations.

Variety of sizes and Load Capacities: Die spings come in a wide range ofsizes,diameters, lengths, and load capaciies to sut iferent applications and requirements

Materials: Die sounas are tiypicaly made from hioh-capon sieel or aloy sieels, povdinathe necessany strenoth and reslience for heawy-duy aooicalions

When chosing dle sping for a speciftc applicaton, factors such as load requiremens,operating envronment. avalable space, and expeced operatonal cvdes meed to be considered to

ensure ootimal performance and longevity of the die machinery.


Raleigh Spring Competitive

100% In house processes
Large inventory, complete specifications
Competitive price
Quick delivery
Made to customer specification
Die Spring DiamentionAccording to 1S0-10243
Die Spring MaterialsEN10089 :54SiCr6, GBIT 1222:55CrSi
Die Spring Surface Treatment100% coating cover
Minimum and controlled thickness
High corrosion resistance
High mechanical strength